Press Release: VBASE Oil Company Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label
Pendleton, SC. — VBASE Oil Company has earned the right to display the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product label on our oils. This label provides verification of the percentage of biobased content in a product.
Third-party verification of a product’s biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred Program, an initiative created by the 2002 Farm Bill (and recently reauthorized by the 2018 Farm Bill). One of the goals of the BioPreferred Program is to increase the development, purchase and use of biobased products.
The USDA Certified Biobased Product label displays a product’s biobased content, which is the portion of a product that comes from a renewable source, such as plant, animal, marine, or forestry feedstocks. Utilizing renewable, biobased materials displaces the need for non-renewable petroleum-based chemicals. Biobased products, through petroleum displacement, have played an increasingly important role in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that exacerbate global climate change. Biobased products are cost-comparative, readily available, and perform as well as or better than their conventional counterparts.

“VBASE Oil Company is proud to offer this new family of innovative, environmentally acceptable lubricants which are both high-performing and cost-effective. Designed for harsh environments but environmentally friendly, VBASE oils yield enhanced oxidative stability and lubricity compared to traditional Group V base oils. VBASE products offer a viable, renewable, and environmentally friendly option for hydropower plants as an R&O oil, construction and mining industry as a hydraulic fluid, and agriculture industry as a universal tractor fluid. The USDA Certified Biobased Product label provided by the USDA BioPreferred Program will serve to inform the broader lubricant market of the availability of VBASE as a valuable new family of products,” said President and CEO, Jeff DiMaio.

“We applaud VBASE Oil Company for earning the USDA Certified Biobased Product label,” said Kate Lewis, USDA BioPreferred Program. “Products from VBASE Oil Company are contributing to an ever-expanding marketplace that adds value to renewable agriculture commodities, creates jobs in rural communities, and decreases our reliance on petroleum.”
According to a report that USDA released in July 2019, biobased products contributed $459 billion to the U.S. economy in 2016 (a 17% increase from 2014) and support, directly and indirectly, 4.6 million jobs. The report’s research team estimates the reduction of fossil fuels and associated GHG emissions from biobased products equivalent to approximately 12 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) prevented as of 2016.
The increased production of renewable chemicals and biobased products contributes to the development and expansion of the U.S. bioeconomy – where society looks to agriculture for sustainable sources of fuel, energy, chemicals, and products.

About the USDA BioPreferred Program and Certified Biobased Product label
The BioPreferred Program is a USDA-led initiative that assists the development and expansion of markets for biobased products. The BioPreferred Program is transforming the marketplace for biobased products through two initiatives: mandatory purchasing requirements for Federal Agencies and Federal contractors and voluntary product certification and labeling.
Biobased products span a diverse range of applications, such as lubricants, cleaning products, chemicals and bioplastics. The USDA Certified Biobased Product label communicates a product’s biobased content. Expressed as a percentage, biobased content is the ratio of non-fossil organic carbon (new organic carbon) to total organic carbon in a product. New organic carbon is derived from recently-created materials. The total organic carbon in a product consists of new organic carbon and old organic carbon that originates from fossil carbon materials, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas. More than 3,500 products have earned the USDA Certified Biobased Product label. To learn more about the USDA Certified Biobased Product label please visit, and follow on Twitter at

Built on sustainable and circular practices, VBASE® Oil Company produces high performance, proprietary synthetic ester base oils and lubricants that minimize impact on the environment. This is accomplished with a focus on sustainability in production, use, and at the end of the lifecycle.
VBASE® lubes and base oils meet and exceed the properties of conventional products in affordability, availability, and performance. (VBASE Oil Company is wholly owned by Tetramer Technologies