VBASE Oil Company Joins Sustain SC
VBASE® Oil Company is proud to be among the newest members of the Business Member Network in Sustain SC. Launched in 2021, Sustain SC seeks to connect businesses who want to advance the state of South Carolina’s economy, environment, and people through a shared focus on sustainability.
“We are excited to welcome VBASE Oil Company and Tetramer Technologies to Sustain SC as we look to accomplish our mission of connecting the sustainability goals of business in South Carolina with local solutions for the benefit of our economy, environment, and people. We have created a network of individuals and organizations who are invested in elevating the state of South Carolina through sustainability. We are proud to work with VBASE Oil Company and Tetramer Technologies to better our state.”
Ethel Bunch, President and CEO of Sustain South Carolina
When the VBASE team learned of the mission of Sustain SC, we knew our company goals and that of Sustain SC were well-aligned. Designed around sustainable and circular practices, VBASE® high performance base oils and lubricants are safe for the environment. By developing VBASE oils with improved efficiency and greater stability, oil lifetimes are extended and waste is reduced. In addition, our sustainable oils reduce fuel consumption and emissions by increasing overall equipment efficiency. VBASE® plans to work with our customers to bring used oil back for reconditioning, repurposing, or remanufacturing.
As VBASE® grows, it is our goal to develop a supply chain that minimizes environmental impacts of transportation and distribution while maximizing positive effects on local economies by manufacturing in region and sourcing local natural feedstocks.
“VBASE Oil Company is proud to join the membership of Sustain SC. VBASE Oil Company is focused on providing high efficiency lubricants that are safe for the environment and built for a circular economy. These goals are in complete alignment with those of Sustain SC and its membership. While we aim to provide our sustainable oils around the globe, VBASE Oil Company is excited to join Sustain SC in supporting the sustainability goals of industry here in our home state.“
Jeffrey DiMaio, President and CEO of VBASE Oil Company

Sustain SC is an economic development driven organization that sets the table for conversations between businesses and local stakeholders so that Corporate Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investments stay in South Carolina – benefiting both our economic and natural resource infrastructures.
The public launch of Sustain SC was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities and matching grant from Google. The organization will focus on four areas of sustainability: carbon neutrality, renewable energy, water quality and quantity, and circular economy.

Built on sustainable and circular practices, VBASE® Oil Company produces high performance, proprietary synthetic ester base oils and lubricants that minimize impact on the environment. This is accomplished with a focus on sustainability in production, use, and at the end of the lifecycle.
VBASE® lubes and base oils (ISO Viscosity Grades 32-100) meet and exceed the properties of conventional products in affordability, availability, and performance.
VBASE Oil Company vbaseoil.com is wholly owned by Tetramer Technologies tetramer.com.